A Love Story

Who doesn't love a good love story?! In this video, Tiago and Vanessa share intimate stories from how they first met, their most embarrassing moments, to what they love (and not so much love) most about each other. We enjoyed putting together this short & sweet video because it displays the true passion and meaning behind this couple's love story. Not to mention, it also made a great introductory on their wedding day! Vanessa and Tiago decided to play this video at their wedding in front of friends and family, which gave everyone some laughs, but also more insight to what Vanessa and Tiago share as now husband and wife. We think a "Love Story" is a great idea for newlyweds to consider doing! It makes for a wonderful memory to have, and a great addition to a wedding if you decide to play it at the reception like Vanessa and Tiago did. It's always exciting to see what couples have to say about one another, and the best part is, they won't know until the video is finished! We are sure that a Love Story video is guaranteed to melt your heart when you hear what your soon-to-be-spouse loves so much about you, that they can't wait to marry you.


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