Benefits of Hiring Separate Companies


We have a little discussion post for you all today. We understand that there are companies out here in the wedding industry whom claim to be a photographer and videographer all in one. While this might sound appealing, we'd like to share our thoughts on why this may not be your best option. The simple fact is that it isn't likely for a person or two to be able to focus on both specialties equally and therefore not produce beautiful, high quality photos AND video. Photographers and videographers are alike, but there are many differences and required skills as well as equipment, that go into wedding photography vs. wedding videography. We have seen first-hand, wedding photos that have come out pretty good, while the video portion was sub-par, or vice versa. Yes, the company may have someone on photography duty while the other is doing video, but are they really trained equally in both specialties? We specialize in videography, and would not claim to be able to photograph a wedding simultaneously, even if we have the ability to take professional pictures. If a company is dedicated to one or the other, they are likely to give their all on your wedding day to that particular strength. Mike Picard Motion Pictures is trained to know the ins and outs of a wedding day and the best techniques to film a wedding, because that is our focus and what we've dedicated ourselves to. In order to give our couples the amazing videos that we produce, we must dedicate our focus to filming specifically, or else our attention and skills would be scattered. We probably wouldn't be as well known for our work if we took part in photographing weddings as well, because one would probably come out less effective compared to the other. If you ask us, we believe it's important to hire your videographer separate from your photographer, if you want both to be true quality finished products. You'll be guaranteed to have your day run much smoother, and have the quality photos as well as a beautiful and seamless video.


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